Tuesday, August 13, 2013


Natalie Portman in a classic trench in Hotel Chevalier.

We'd be blowing kisses too in this cutie dress from Moonrise Kingdom.

Ultimate Fall fashion icon, Margot Tenenbaum.

Would die to walk to work in this little ensemble every morning! As seen in Moonrise Kingdom.

Moonrise Kingdom

Girl crushin' hard on Lea Seydoux in the Prada Candy commercials.

Etheline from The Royal Tenenbaums in a sea of corals.

Hottest sad girl we know. Margot forever!
What is it about Wes Anderson movies!? Whenever we're feeling visually uninspired, a Wes Anderson flick invigorates us to take risks with our wardrobe and overhaul our living space! He has mastered the mix of quirky, classic, and feminine that us C&D girls love. From Margot Tenenbaum's moody walks through Central Park to Lea Seydoux's lavish dates in Paris, he's got every fashion situation on lock-down.

We hope that this post leaves you cuties as inspired for Fall as we are!

Cloak & Dagger